Christmas Gift Ideas for a 7-Year-Old Boy
60 of the best gift ideas for a 7-year-old boy sorted by price and type of gift to make shopping and gifting easy with something they’ll love!
If you have a 7-year-old in your life, you know they’re at such a fun age! A new love of more grown-up things starts to flourish while they still love to play and learn.
If you’re looking for a great gift for a 7-year old, we have 60 excellent highly-rated gift ideas we think they’ll love! Check out the best gift ideas for 7-year-old boys they’ll absolutely love!
Educational Toys/ STEM Toys
We’re team “Give all the educational gifts as much as possible!” It’s a great way to boost a kid’s brain, introduce new things in a fun way, and gift a gift that benefits the recipient for years to come! Here are some of the best STEM Toys – and our top pick of what to gift a 7-year-old!
Kiwi Crate Subscription.
Of everything I’ve given my son, this makes the best gifts hall of fame! We knew he’d have fun doing a hands-on project every month, but we had no idea how much he’d look forward to the monthly Kiwi Crate delivery! He’s built so many cool creations and learned a ton about physics, chemistry, and mechanical engineering. And every project has been exciting and completely age-appropriate. It’s one of the best gift ideas for raising smart kids! Plus, you can get the first box for them to unwrap with a note letting them know they have more boxes coming.

LEGO sets.
I think Legos are the perfect gift idea for any young boys or young girls. Not only are the sets hours of fun, but they are about the perfect present to build STEM skills and introduce critical thinking and advanced fine motor skills. The best part is you can find great sets categorized by age at all price points.
We gift a giant classic Lego Bricks set to our 5-year-old boys, and find it really helps with hours of quiet time and learning fun. And it may or may not be helping with our hopes to create little engineers like their dad…time will tell!
Intro to Coding Game.
I’d highly recommend gifting a CodeSpark Subscription! My son LOVES this game! It’s an introductory coding class to get kids familiar with computer programming in a fun computer game series that builds on coding basics and foundations.
Beginner’s telescope.
I have a son who wants to be an astronaut, and you’d better believe I’m doing everything I can to cultivate that love of space! But even if your kid is only mildly interested in space, a telescope with which he can explore the night sky is such a great gift! Plus, you can hook him up with Google sky and help him explore the different backgrounds we can see from Earth.
National Geographic Science Kits.
These kits are such a cool way to learn science principles in a hands-on way! National Geographic kits make it very easy to get kids excited and assist parents in teaching these foundations.

SmART Pixelator.
My son loves Perler Beads with all his heart! He can focus and create for hours when he wants to. When I heard of the smART Pixelator I knew he’d love it! Kids can create their own designs and even 3D projects with this thing! My son has been so innovative with this toy and created some amazing things!
Plus, it’s been voted one of the top toys by TIME, and makes so many toy testing lists of high-quality products kids and parents love. Don’t miss their special offers for Friday We’re in Love readers: use the Promo Code FRIDAYLOVE to take an extra $5 off any purchase.
SmART Sketcher 2.0
If you have a kid even remotely interested in drawing, this is such a cool gadget! Just upload any picture, and it breaks down pictures a line or two at a time to help kids create the images and different designs of their dreams. It’s known for its ease of use, STEM meets art- so STEAM uses, and the creativity it encourages.
It’s also rated one of the best toys for kids ages 5 and up! We’re gifting one this year, and I know my son will spend countless hours drawing comic books with this blank book set and the SmARt Sketcher. Don’t miss their special offers for Friday We’re in Love readers: use the Promo Code FRIDAYLOVE to take an extra $5 off any purchase.
3Doodler Start
I found this on a Prime Day deal and my jaw dropped at what an amazing STEM toy it is! Then, I shared it with a family member as a gift idea for my STEM-loving nephew and they instantly told me he owns it and LOVES it! I bought it and found my 7-year-old loves to make his own 3D creations and learn a lot of geometry and physics while he does it!
Launch Rockets.
My STEM-loving dad (who was a director of engineering) gifted me a model rocket every year as a little girl. We built them together and would go launch them together. It’s one of my favorite memories of my father giving the gift of time, and a few engineering skills to each of his children. What a fun and unique way to get his kids interested in STEM toys before it became a trendy buzz term.
Educational Insights Artie 3000 the Coding & Drawing Robot
Kids create the code and Artie creates the drawing! This cool little robot brings in art and science in such a fun way!
3Doodler Start
- I found this on a Prime Day deal and my jaw dropped at what an amazing STEM toy it is! Then, I shared it with a family member as a gift idea for my STEM-loving nephew and they instantly told me he owns it and LOVES it!I can’t wait for my son to make his own 3D creations and learn a lot of geometry and physics while he does it!
Star Wars The Force Coding Kit
- This was another Prime Day deal I couldn’t pass up for only a few dollars. But it’s still a great deal right now! My son is obsessed with Star Wars right now. We also want him to learn to code early. It felt like a no-brainer to start with this cool Star Wars coding kit!
7-years-old is prime time to help kids learn to play games. We’ll always encourage games as excellent and always welcome gift ideas for a 7-Year-Old Boy!
Board Games
We have a whole list of the best board games for kids, with a full of roundup of new games, classic game options, and everything in between! There are a lot of different games to choose from, for both game enthusiasts and newbies alike! A fun game is always a hit and at the top of our list of gifts for 7-year-old boys!
We took our kids Christmas shopping, and they both discovered Bop-it for the first time. My kids fell in love with this game that makes sound effects instructing which part of the toy to bop, twist, pull, etc. It’s so fun, and a great toy to play with alone or with friends. And if you didn’t know, they make fun character versions. My Star Wars-loving boys are about to unwrap this version, and I know they’ll love it!
Simon Memory Game
This is a fun memory game that uses lights to share patterns that the player tries to remember and repeat.
Kanoodle Brain Buster Games
These award-winning toys are also Tiktok famous! They are brain teaser puzzles that keep kids occupied quietly for hours. Also, they have so many different versions, some to play with an opponent, but most to play alone. You can’t go wrong with any of them!
Jigsaw Puzzles
My kids love a good jigsaw puzzle, and a 100-count to 300-count is just about perfect for this age. How cool is this Star Wars puzzle, or Dog Man puzzle for a great option?
Nintendo Switch
Behold, the ultimate in gifts for boys at this current moment. Most kids use the Nintendo Switch gaming system to play video games, as a social outlet, and it’s how kids grow into an older form of pretend play. If your kid doesn’t own one, you may be the hero of the century with this gift.
Video Games.
If you already own a system, you know a new video game is about the ultimate gift to most boys! Find one they’ll love, a new release, or one a family can enjoy together.
Garmin Watch.
Wanna know what’s at the top of my 7-year-old’s wish list? A smartwatch. Wanna know what I don’t want him to have yet? A smartwatch. I don’t think he needs games and a camera as a distraction right now. But we had a friend recommend getting a kid’s Garmin, and let me tell you, it’s everything we want and he wants. And also, it’s one of the coolest gifts!
This is the watch we bought him, and it’s something he can use and enjoy to track his steps and physical activity, tell time, and keep a digital record of goals and to-do lists. There are games, HOWEVER, he needs to be logged into a separate mobile device or tablet to play them.
So zero distraction at school, and tons of fun within the limits we set. We’re gamifying fitness and activity, and it’s perfect for this age group starting to take note of parent electronics but in no way ready to have them.

Digital Camera.
Young kids love taking pictures and creating their own videos, and I think a simple digital camera with lcd screens to review their works of art is a great way to encourage artistic freedom without the ability to share them or post them. Luckily, digital cameras that are kid-friendly have become very inexpensive, and you’ll only need a memory card to keep all those images safe and in the right place on the camera.
Remote Control Car
I’d recommend going more high-tech and high-quality with a remote control car at this age. They are typically really great at controlling the vehicle and can get a little rough and tumble with them. But these are fun toys even teenagers love playing with. And little boys feel pretty cool operating and playing with an advanced model.
Remote Control Droid
These were designed for Disneyland for Star Wars Galaxy Edge as a building experience- which my son actually did for his 7th birthday. And it was not only a great experience, but it’s also a really cool toy! You can build fun characters you already know, or create an original. The good news is you don’t have to do a Disney trip to make one and play with one- You can order one from Shop Disney! They have fun interactive games you play through an app. And it’s truly a cool toy kids love!
Remote Control Grogu
Yes, I know Star Wars is making a lot of items on the list, but have you ever met a 7-year-old boy? Most really love Star Wars and you can’t go to an elementary school without seeing several Star Wars nods! My son asked for this for Christmas, and plays with it so much it’s quite impressive! It’s well-made, super cute, and has a lot of features and interactive elements to make this a really cool toy!
Walkie Talkies
These are so fun for kids to play with! They love having the real thing to enjoy with friends, siblings, or parents.
Outdoor Play
A New bike
This is the perfect age to teach some responsibility to ride a bike to nearby places. If your kid knows how to learn, an upgrade is a great gift! If they’re still learning, grab one with training wheels and make this year they get really solid on a bike!
We have an inexpensive Razer, and it’s done the job just fine! You can go fancier, but most kids do great with a very classic inexpensive model.
Electric Scooter
These are the hot new items that so many kids in our neighborhood are asking for. They’re super fun and 7-year-olds are just old enough to really ride one safely.
Back-to-the-Future is here, and hoverboards make a great gift to encourage more outdoor play.
Laser Tag Set
My parents gifted their children a set of laser guns (the first iteration of at-home laser tag) and we played with them until they literally wore out! I have so many memories of chasing my brothers through the orchards near our home in the snow, rain, and sunshine playing game after game of laser tag. They are some of my favorite childhood memories thanks to this great gift!
Basketball Hoop
This is such a great gift to encourage activity! Set one above the garage, or get one for the backyard if you have a cement porch or driveway.
A simple basketball makes a great gift! They can take these to the local park, practice dribbling outside, and work on their eye-hand coordination.
Soccer Ball
A soccer ball is another fantastic gift to encourage active play! Kids can dribble a ball alone, and play pick-up games at the playground or the park.
Soccer Net
We found pretty quickly our kid would play soccer so much more if we set up a portable net in the backyard. He practices shooting at all different angles, and it’s really improved his game! Plus, young siblings, older siblings, and parents can join in the game a lot easier with a net.
Baseball Glove and Baseball
A simple game of catch is one of my son’s favorite things! He’s just about outgrown his t-ball glove, so a legit baseball glove and a softball or a pack of baseballs are a good choice. Whether your kid is going to play on a team or just in the backyard, a baseball and baseball glove makes a really great gift ideas for a 7-year-old boy!
Indoor Play
When they’re still hovering between little boys and big kid boys, a few toys or imaginative play items that grow with them are still in order! These are great toys for rainy days, quiet time, or indoor days filled with indoor play.
Fort Building Kit
This is the STEM gift that keeps on giving! My kids build the most amazing forts, rockets, obstacle courses, etc. with this set of fort-building pieces that fit in one easy-to-store box.
Perler Bead Set.
These are like little craft kits where kids follow patterns to create designs out of melty beads you can iron together. They have so many fantastic sets like a Star Wars set, an Avengers set, or this Harry Potter set. My own kids adore these and have spent hours creating little projects. It could easily fit in the educational toys category.
Kids of all ages really enjoy these, but you’ll find 7-year-olds can really master advanced patterns in a way little kids don’t quite grasp. It’s the perfect age to gift a set, and a great activity to do during the holiday season or summer season when kids are on break.

Nerf Gun.
My son went to a Nerf-themed 7th birthday party and came home raving about the fun time he had. We set up targets on all the extra boxes we have from Christmas orders. Grab our free Nerf Target printables and wrap them with a Nerf toy as one of those fun gifts that keep kids happily engaged while playing indoors.
I know this may sound like it goes on a younger kid toy list, but let me reassure you older kids love this sensory toy that’s great for all ages too. I work with the teenage youth group at my church, and they often choose Play-doh as a reward or gift. Find more advanced Play-doh sets, and watch your kids have so much fun being highly engaged with sensory play and sensory toys they enjoy.
Diamond Painting Kit
These are such cool projects, perfect for rainy days and quiet time. We love the Star Wars sets, an Avengers set, and dinosaur sets.
Books for Young Readers
Kids range from solid readers to emerging readers at this age. Books are one of our favorite Gift Ideas for a 7-Year-Old Boy. Here are several great options!
Picture Books.
Let me reassure you, kids of all ages love being read to! And when kids are in first grade or second grade, they still need plenty of reading time. I love to find great books I can read to my son, and he can read to me. And bonus, if they have younger siblings, they can join in the fun too!

Graphic Novels.
Let me tell you, Dog Man and Cat Kid have magic powers over 6-year-old boys, 7-year-old boys, and 8-year-old boys learning to read! – Investigators, the Jedi Academy, and Captain Underpants are all series that make great birthday gifts or Christmas gifts. Grab a great set with a bundle deal and watch even kids not that interested in reading change their minds. It’s truly one of the best gift ideas for a 7-year-old boy!
Dragon Masters
I asked for help on Instagram finding early chapter books for boys, and the praise and recommendation for the Dragon Masters series came up more than any other series! I bought a boxed set for my son’s 7th birthday, and it has been the best purchase! He loves this series, and with that many 5-star ratings it’s hard to ignore how much kids love them!
Elephant and Piggie Books.
A popular staple in early elementary school, the Elephant and Piggie books are so funny, and often help kids really master reading skills. Grab a Biggie book so you get multiple books in one.
Shine a Light Books
These cool books show hidden pictures with a flashlight. They are so educational and so cool! You may want to add a flashlight to this gift since a built-in flashlight isn’t included with most sets.
5 Minute Readers
Pick their favorite characters, and grab a 5-minute reader book. The Star Wars 5 Minute Stories book is something my boys look through almost every day.
Star Wars: The Jedi Path
This is one of those books that act like an encyclopedia for all things Jedi and Star Wars. My son received this as a gift for his 7th birthday and pours over it about every other week.
Toys Under $20: Gift Ideas for a 7-Year-Old Boy
If you have an upcoming birthday or need a great gift for Christmas but don’t have a huge budget, we have you covered! Here are some fun, inexpensive gifts for 7-year-old boys we think they’ll love!
Doodle Book
We found this Star Wars Doodle book on a Disneyland trip, and regretted not buying it. I was delighted to find they make a Spider-Man Doodle Book, a Marvel Doodle Book, and we also love the Boy’s Doodle Book too.
They’re just a great way to encourage creativity, artistic skills, imagination, and sometimes a little humor helping kids step into half-drawn doodle scenes. They make great gifts too- we love to give them at birthday parties!
Fidget Toys
You can get the classic fidget spinner, or get a popper: both are great small items kids love. My son loves this pop-it ball, it’s a great twist on the pop it bubbles.
Coloring Books with Markers
There’s something about markers that make 7-year-olds feel so grown up and past crayons! But the smaller coloring pages and a pack of markers help chime into the classic coloring love, and give it a more advanced feel and skill.
A classic rubber ball that works as a kickball, 4-square ball, bouncy ball, and dodgeball makes a great gift!
Hover Soccer Ball
Help kids play soccer indoors safely with this cool rechargeable ball that keeps furniture safe with a hover technology and bumpers. It works well indoors and outdoors, but it’s a fun holiday gift for the days kids are stuck inside.
Hot Wheels
So many Hot Wheels building sets are designed for older kids who can construct fancy loops or shoot cars
Mini LEGO set
There are a lot of LEGO sets under $20 that make a great inexpensive gift for 7-year-old boys
I can’t believe how much kids still love and play with an inexpensive Slinky!
Kanoodle Gravity Maze
I love this Kanoodle game since it allows both two players or a single player. If you have time to join in, great! If they have a friend, fantastic!
Magic 8 Ball
These are always fun, and 7-year-olds who can read their own outcome to whatever questions they may ask the Magic 8 Ball.
3D Puzzle
Give a twist on a classic favorite! A 3D puzzle is a great challenge with a very cool outcome that kids just love.

Paint By Sticker Book
I have an entire post about Paint by Sticker Books, we love them and use them so much! Paint By Sticker Books make a great birthday present, quiet time activity, or a travel activity for kids.
Rubik’s Cube
This classic puzzle game is always a win! And it’s a fantastic inexpensive gift!
Like these 60 Gift Ideas for a 7-Year-Old Boy? Be sure to check out these posts too:
Star Wars Gifts for Star Wars Lovers
The Best Gifts for 4-year-old Boys
Family Gift Ideas: Big Gift Ideas the Entire Family Will Love!
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