Post Holiday Blues: 9 Ways to Keep Some Holiday Joy All Year
The post-holiday blues are a very real thing! To help you beat the post-holiday depression feelings, here are easy ways to keep some of the joy all year!
The build-up to Christmas and the holiday season is unlike anything else! So many people prepare for the holidays months in advance. And many will tell you Christmas is their favorite day of the year! But what about those post-holiday blues that seem to hit when the excitement and the season ends?
I’ve learned to spread some holiday cheer all year long, and implement a few traditions that keep the joy going even if take my tree down. Here are some easy ways to beat the post-holiday blues and keep the joy of the holidays going.
Ways to spread holiday cheer after the holidays
Here are easy ways to trade a holiday tradition for practice that brings the same holiday joy throughout the year.
Beating the post-holiday blues with your significant other
Try Trading the…
Special Holiday Events and Activities for…Regular Date Nights
It only takes listening to one or two Christmas songs to realize love is in the air for the holidays! Most couples find at least one special event to attend for a date. That must be why people love our 50 Christmas Date Ideas list!
But a weekly date night has made the romance of Christmas last all year for us. And there’s no time like the present to join in on our 21 Dates in 2021 Challenge to make Date night part of your New Year’s Resolution- stay tuned! We have exciting things we’ll be sharing this week!
Mistletoe for…a Few More Romantic Date Nights In
If you’re ready to get a jump on Valentine’s Day, here are 6 sexy Valentine’s Day date ideas. But really, a little more romance can happen throughout the year. Plan some intentional time.
Holiday Parties for…A Few More Group Dates
We’re fans of date night for two to connect now with the chaotic parenting state we’re in. Sadly there’s been so little of this in the past year, and the lack of holiday parties left us craving some group dates all the more. I know this hasn’t been a very safe thing right now, but I am betting you have at least one couple in your bubble. If not, digital Zoom dates have given us life!
Get creative and still hang out remotely! Pull up cars and chat outside from a distance. We’re committing to hosting a party when it’s safe to do so this year, and also to make double dates happen even if we need to get creative! They fill in the gaps of only partying with those we love once a year.
Beat the post-holiday blues with kids
Fun Activities for…A Family Date!
We have your back with 52 family dates to do this year. Seriously, every night can feel exhausting. But once a week or even once a month is just like magic. We adore our time together as a family, and I’m so glad we don’t wait until one month of the year for intentional family fun. Plus, this helps children beat the post-holiday blues too!
We also love at-home activities for kids for some fun activities they can enjoy independently. It’s kept their world feeling fun and allowed us more time to work!
One more thing, we have loved adding a Kiwi Crate subscription for an easy fun at-home activity we can look forward to doing together each month.
Extended Family Time for…A Famly Reunion to Look Forward To
It’s just too sad of a thought to think we’ll only see loved ones once a year. And if you’re like us, you didn’t get to see them at Christmas this year. I think that hope and plan for a family gathering later this year when things are different may be just what we all need! We really try to plan extended family time at other times during the year. Maybe it’s a good time to make a midyear family reunion happen.
And if nothing else, plan a digital family reunion to hang out and play some online games together.
Holiday Traditions to Do all year
Holiday Books for…A Book Subscription or Regular Library Trips
I love the faces of children when we pull those holiday books out of storage and enjoy them all December. But we equally feel the sadness packing them up for a year.
I’ve tried to combat this by gifting my children several new books for Christmas. But if we’re still feeling let down, a regular book subscription is in order. We’ve loved using Bookroo in the past. You can also do an Amazon book subscription box too.
And, if you need a budget-friendly option, start making regular library trips happen. We research and reserve new titles regularly. It feels like the fun of Christmas with books we can temporarily enjoy for a season.
Holiday Feasts for…Regular Family Dinners.
If you aren’t already committed to eating at home together at least four times a week, I’d make the resolution! The magic of time together plus healthy habits are hard to argue with. Plus there are so many studies about the importance of family dinner time. If you aren’t a chef, find a service that delivers meals, buy a meal plan, or make it a goal to get a little more culinary this year. You’ll love having more regular feasts together.
Christmas Lights for…A Star Gazing Night, Lantern Festival, or Laser Light Show
This is one thing hard to replace. The lights may stay up for a few weeks after Christmas, but they are always missed when they go down.
We love a good stargazing date night, and it’s fun to do with kids too! Look up the laser light show, and find a lantern festival in your area. I promise they are every bit as magical (if not more) than a neighborhood drive to see the lights. Even if you can’t do one until fall, it’s worth it!
Festive Clothes for… A New Outfit
I actually get so sad putting away my Christmas earrings and Christmas church dress for the year. But there are a ton of after Christmas sales that make investing in a new pair of earrings and a new dress really affordable! Treat yourself to a winter outfit you love, and rock that all January and February.
Photos: Chrissy Blake
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Get 365 Date Ideas!

We want to help you have the best date nights ever! Grab this FREE printable with 365 date ideas, a date for every day of the year so you never run out of ideas!