Elf Arrival Letter Free Printable
If you want a positive Elf on the Shelf Arrival Letter that you can download for free- this is it! Grab the cute poem and positive message introducing or reintroducing your Elf on the Shelf!
Starting an Elf on the Shelf Tradition
I’m admitting something, I’ve purposely never done the Elf on the Shelf and thought myself rather smug for avoiding what seemed like this stressful tradition parents hate. I mean who needs one more thing to worry about during the Christmas season?
But each year of preschool and last year in kindergarten, my son would come home and tell me the tales of kids sharing the fun things their elf did. He looked me straight in the eye and said, “Why don’t we get an elf Mom?” I had to explain different families have different traditions, and that’s just fine! He understood but looked a little disappointed. And that face has stuck with me all year.
Last year, the Christmas elf weighed on me. I asked on Instagram for honest thoughts and opinions. I was shocked that out of thousands of responses, only a handful said to stay away and don’t do it. Most admitted parents complain, it can be a hassle, and it is one more thing to worry about – AND YET, they 100% recommend it. And many convinced me that it is so much fun for kiddos, and something kids look forward to greatly at Christmas time.
Keep the Elf Positive and Fun
But many recommended dropping the “can’t touch it” gig, it’s fun for kids to play with it and enjoy it. Also, so many said drop “It’s spying on our home”, and even reporting to Santa is something many families ditch. I actually was so touched I cried reading the sweet things parents and kids have done with the Elf. Many use it as a service tool. And so many say it’s truly the fun magical tradition their kids have grown up to remember and love the most.
I knew with the help of a pre-planned Elf Kit, I could do it! A local seller reached out and offered one, and I’m actually so excited to do it!
We’re not leaning heavily into Santa, or reporting naughtiness to Santa Claus. We’re just sharing a fun visitor who is here to help spread some Christmas joy (and maybe some pranks) in our household. And I wanted my kids to feel the joy and excitement without pushing too much of a narrative or using it as a threat.
And I felt so excited to start this as a positive tradition I know my kids will enjoy! So bring on the magic, the tiny visitor from the North Pole, and all the fun Elf on the Shelf Ideas. We’re ready for December 1st and a fun holiday season jumping into this scout elf tradition!
Elf on the Shelf Welcome Letter
So here I am on the eve of an Elf arrival, and realizing every Elf arrival letter leans heavily on the “don’t touch me” and “I’m reporting to Santa nightly” messaging. If you want to do that, great! But I am a firm believer that the Elf can be a positive thing, and I needed a positive Elf arrival letter to go with it. I leaned into the game aspect, language that the elf may or may not move to set expectations, and kept it light and fun while still encouraging good behavior!
So I went ahead and used those writing skills to create my own poem and letter.
I wanted to share the elf notes in case any parents need a positive Elf on the Shelf arrival letter! Grab our Elf on the Shelf letter template and use it as a super easy Elf on the shelf arrival idea.
We have a free printable elf arrival letter you can use too!
Here’s what ours looks like:

Download the Introduction Elf on the Shelf Arrival Letter
If you need an Elf on the Shelf introduction letter, grab the download here!
And if you don’t need an introduction letter introducing the Elf’s name, I have a version that omits those lines. It works perfectly as an Elf on the Shelf arrival letter for repeat elf families. Particularly those trying to turn it positive and make it more of a fun game than an in-house spy. Grab the elf return free printable arrival letter right here!
Grab the Repeat Visitor Elf on the Shelf Arrival Letter Here
Get ready to have your elf arrive in a fun way with the Elf on the Shelf return letter.
Just a quick reminder these come as a PDF download to your inbox, and sometimes automatically download, so check your downloads folder! This elf letter is for personal use only. But feel free to send friends to this post to grab our free Elf on the shelf printables- particularly for those diving in their first year!
Enjoy the Elf on the Shelf Letters
I hope these free printable letters help make the Elf on the Shelf welcome a little easier for parents or caregivers! And may it be a positive experience for you with a lot of magical memories!
And stay tuned, we know you’ve been on your best behavior with an elf in your house and the fun Christmas traditions you’re creating! We also know Christmas Eve will be here before you know it, and you’ll be saying goodbye to your boy elf and girl elves. We’ll be back with an Elf on the Shelf goodbye letter free printables soon!
Elf on the Shelf Arrival Letter FAQs
Introduce the elf, explain why they’re here, and what their rules/guidelines are. If you need an easy Elf introduction letter, grab our free printable download.
If the elf is returning, a simple “I’m Back!” works great!
The Elf on the Shelf website recommends Elf arrival between November 24 through December 1. Most families bring the elf back with an arrival letter introducing the elf, or reminding kids the elf is back with the “rules” of the elf. Some people love to include a Christmas Box with their elf.
1. Print out the letter, and leave it with the elf between November 24- December 1st.
2. Optional: read the book. Many families like to drop the “rules” of not touching the elf or making kids feel like an elf is watching them to report their naughty decisions. If you want to read the book and follow it, great! But if you want to drop it and include the letter only, we have a free printable positive elf on the shelf arrival letter for you.
Like this letter from the Elf on the Shelf free printable? Be sure to check out these posts too:
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We want to help you have the best date nights ever! Grab this FREE printable with 365 date ideas, a date for every day of the year so you never run out of ideas!