Date Night for Parents: Date Ideas for Date Night With a Baby
Have a new baby? Congratulations! Here are tons of date night for parents ideas: including date night with a baby and how you and your partner can keep date night going with a new baby.
Date Ideas with a Newborn
As we like to say, the first six weeks with a newborn are like the wild, wild west – anything goes with their schedule and that precious little person runs the show. For seasoned, exhausted parents, we know it’s really difficult to get out of the house, let alone cook or sleep. And for first-time parents or soon-to-be parents, welcome to the parenting club!
But more than ever as your lifestyle changes as a new child enters your family, we believe this time more than ever is a great time to keep date night going. So, I want to share with you how to make a date night with a baby happen as well as a list of date ideas for new parents. This way you start off parenthood still making date night a priority and can plan a date night with a baby.
Why go on Dates When you Have a Newborn?
For parents and friends of new parents, we are very familiar with the first few weeks with baby. The stats show that 70 to 80 percent of new moms experience negative feelings and mood swings, commonly known as the baby blues. While these only last a few weeks, others deal with longer-term postpartum anxiety or depression – 1 out of 7 mothers to be exact! (
I “affectionately” call this period the first six weeks of darkness, because there’s not much leaving the house. However, seeking out and doing some date ideas for new parents can really bring more joy to this time with your precious newborn.
How to make Date Night with a Baby happen
There are a few things you can do to make a date night with a new baby happen:
- First, bring your newborn with you.
I recommend going as soon as they’re finished eating and changed the baby’s diaper. This assures at least 30 to 60 minutes of either a pleasant or a napping child. Especially make sure you do something easy that you can step out from. Since obviously, newborns need a lot of time and attention. - Pump breast milk or prep formula and let grandma watch your baby.
If you have trusted family or friends in town or nearby, utilize them. Invite them to come over and snuggle with your little baby while you and your partner step out for a little bit. - Plan something extra special at home.
If going out isn’t in the cards, then plan something special. Something different from your norm at home and call it a date night during your baby’s nap. - Double or Group Date.
With more people present, you’ll almost always find a friend or family member who will love to hold your baby for you. Especially for those who don’t have a baby. This way you don’t have to worry about leaving the baby but you can also relax knowing somebody will help watch him or her. Date night as new parents is a great reminder that you’re more than just parents or feeding machines. And, more importantly, that you’re not isolated and alone in this new parents gig.
Date Ideas for New Parents
Two kids later, we’ve continued to figure out this date night for parents gig. Even though we’ve had to figure out and adapt with each kid, date night with a baby is so doable!
Here are some of our favorite and easiest date night ideas with a new baby.
Short Hike: Because doctors often recommend walking for postpartum recovery. Pick an easy route in case you need to turn around or hurry home with your baby.
Related: Hiking day date post
Make fancy drinks and sit on the patio: If you’re looking for a date idea as an exhausted parent, this one requires minimal effort. Also, it will help you get outside just a little and unwind. You can tailor this to the season too: If it’s cold, make something that warms the soul, if it’s hot, make something cool and refreshing.
Make a home decoration together: Seek some inspiration from Pinterest and spark some joy in your home. Make something either for the season or a project you have wanted to do for a long time. Baby can sleep, you can build something together.
Block Out Time for Intimacy: This one we recommend getting a babysitter for. While you might be medically restricted, get creative and find ways to reconnect with each other. After weeks of keeping a newborn alive, we both found it very rekindling our relationship. Light some candles and simply focus on each others’ pleasure.
Scenic Drive: Often babies like to fall asleep to the motion and vibration from a good drive. So take the scenic route. And maybe roll down the windows too if the weather permits.
Window Shopping Through the Mall: Pack up the stroller and peruse the mall. This option is nice because the mall will absorb any possible screams from your baby. Most importantly, you can leave at your convenience should your newborn get fussy.
Make or pick up something you couldn’t eat while pregnant: When the postpartum blues creep in, eating something you missed when you were pregnant is a great pick-me-up. Cookie dough, sushi, deli? Whatever you avoided or felt sick from while pregnant, enjoy it now!
Date NIght with a Baby
Frozen Yogurt / Ice Cream: Typically dessert is cheaper, quicker, and low key than a full dinner. So this is a great date night with baby because he or she can take a cat nap in the car seat next to you while you two get a breather.
Brunching: This is our favorite date idea with a newborn. Brunch dates are something we discovered with our first baby and just fell in love! After we feed him, he wakes up from a morning nap, then we head off for some good eats during his happiest time of the day. Win-win.
Stroll through the Park / Family Walk: While fresh air helps with the blues, walking also helps with recovery. Additionally, this is a free and super low key date. Family walks can just be the best way to get out and enjoy some quality time! What’s not to love about this date idea for new parents?
Homemade Pizza and a Classic Movie: I mention this date idea a lot, but it’s one of those easy date ideas for exhausted parents. It’s a wonderful tradition our family loves to keep going as the babies grow older. Plus we have you covered with this easy, quick homemade pizza dough recipe that’s foolproof.
If you need family-friendly movies, here’s our list of favorite movies for family movie night.
And to mix up movie night: Backyard Movie Night or Movies at the Park. Movies in the park have seemed to pop up everywhere lately. You can find a free, family-friendly option typically through your local Parks and Recreation site. Or you can also search on Facebook events. If you don’t want to go too far on date night with a newborn, set up a blanket in your backyard and enjoy. We also love backyard movie nights with our fun setup.
Game Night: This one doesn’t necessarily require a babysitter if you can’t locate one. And it also makes it easy to take care of your new baby while you have fun with friends. Plus we have you covered with tons of couples games and ideas to keep things new and fun.
Indoor Romantic Fort: If you and your partner need a little more romance, then build a romantic fort and light some candles. This idea can turn a long “baby isn’t sleeping at night” struggle into a fun sleepover.
Like these date ideas for parents with a baby? You may like these posts too:
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