Stay At Home Date Ideas for Couples
An amazing list of Stay At Home Date Ideas: make date night in just as fun as a date night out with these excellent at-home date ideas!
The last several years we’ve spent more time at home than ever before! And many couples have learned to love a stay-at-home date idea as much as going out on the town!
As nice as a date night at home can be, it’s easy for them to feel a bit repetitive and even stale. And as a couple who make sure a date night happens weekly, we’ve got a few tricks up our sleeves with tons of at-home date ideas we’ve personally tested that we know you’ll love!
Don’t miss this huge list of at-home date ideas, so that should be a good starting place! We also have date ideas you can order from Amazon. But I know several of those require some planning ahead, ordering a few products, and maybe even intentional trips to the grocery store to make happen. I wanted to share some stay at home date ideas that are totally doable with limited time or budgets!
Stay at Home Date Ideas for Couples
Couple’s Game Night.
Pull out the board games, a digital game, or stream a board game with friends for a couple’s game night that still feels social! We have hundreds of couple games that make for a really fun night in! You can get several online, make work with cards, or order from Amazon if they’re still available!
Make a Romantic Dinner for Two
Seriously, put the kids to bed earlier and enjoy a night of cooking for two. Bust out a recipe you haven’t tried before, and do it all together. I’d also recommend ordering a Hello Fresh box to make it easy and fun. Plus, you won’t have to shop for any ingredients, and they are still delivering!
Have Dinner by Candlelight
If you’re cooking in (which you should be) take it up a notch and set up a special tablescape that feels like a night out. Set the mood lighting with candles. You may also want to pump the cute love songs and have a slow dance in the kitchen.
Watch Funny YouTube Videos
Need a laugh? I think we all do right now! We’ve curated funny YouTube playlists you can find in our Funny YouTube Night Part I and our Funny YouTube Part II Date posts.
Have a Date Night Box Delivered to Your House
Want a date all planned and prepped and delivered to your doorstep? You should try a date box subscription! This may last a few months, and you may want to do at least a three-month subscription just in case! We’ve rated the best date boxes for couples and given you tons of options in this date night subscription box review post.
See a Concert at Home
Have you seen the trend many major artists are jumping into to give a mini Instagram concert? Coldplay started it all, and John Legend and Chrissy Teigan jumped on the next day. Here are a few others who have joined the #togetherathome Instagram concert party: Charlie Puth, Niall Horan, Common, and Keith Urban. There’s a lot of rumors many more will join! Go ahead and pretend you’re invited on the couch for a serenade concert.
You can also watch many concerts made into productions on Netflix- hello Taylor Swift Reputation Tour!
And if you’re missing the nosebleed seats next to drunk strangers, there’s a whole lot of YouTube searches you could do full of those concert views! -
Make a Romantic Fort
Pull out some Christmas lights and all the blankets, sheets, and pillows you own. Set up a romantic fort date in your living room.
Order Takeout
You may not be able to try a new restaurant out on the town, but that doesn’t mean you can’t try delivery. In fact, this is what will keep small restaurants in business right now! Grubhub, Ubereats, and Doordash are all offering free delivery. Many restaurants are too! Call and ask! They will be grateful for your business, and you can still mix up a dinner date at home.
Shake Up Movie Night
Try watching a movie in a new location. Hello romantic fort night (mentioned above), backyard viewings, or a picnic on the floor. If you have a laptop, anywhere that’s socially distancing yourself counts. You may be amazed by how fun it is to shake up a movie night date. Do something to physically change up movie night. And if you need a good movie, here’s a list of Romantic Comedies You’ll Both Enjoy.
Watch Your Favorite Comedian At Home
Can’t go to a comedy club? No problem! You can watch so many live stand-up performances at home. We’re huge Brian Reagon fans and we own one of his shows on DVD. You can stream or buy so many funny standup shows. Take advantage and I’d even recommend dress up like you’re heading out for a night on the town. Only this time, you can sit in the front row with no fear of heckling!
Tackle a Home Project You’ve Been Putting Off
Organizing your sock drawer may not sound like the sexiest date night, but it frees up time for a really big date night once it’s safe to be out in public again. Plus, there’s plenty of time to talk. Also, the feeling of getting something done you’ve been putting off is amazing. And, it’s a lot more fun to do it together.
You can follow along with our home remodel that is keeping us busy over at Instagram. It’s providing more than enough -
Make a TikTok Video Together
If you haven’t downloaded TikTok, it’s a good time to jump on it! And come find us, we’re FridayWereInLove there too! It’s a lighthearted app with a lot of comedians and funny dancing. Find a trending challenge and get out of your comfort zones to make a video together.
Work on a Love Journal Together
We’ve been working on our Loom Love Journal for Couples answering questions and talking through prompts. It’s like therapy in a really good, really positive way! Plus they are offering 20% off- use Promo Code FridayLove as your discount code.
But we’ve also been trying another couple’s journal called the Promptly Journal for Married Couples– which helps you document your story, your history, and your memories. You can use promo code FRIDAYWEREINLOVE for 15% off! Both are equally great, and a fun thing to sit and work on together. -
Take a Dancing Class in Your Living Room
In this glorious day and age, you can learn anything online. And you can learn any dance for free with a quick YouTube search. Jacob and I learned how to do the “Dougie” while we were dating in prep for a wedding we were attending. We laughed our heads off! We aren’t dancers, but rewatching the same video several times got us going!
You can learn Salsa, the Renegade, or even swing dancing on YouTube. And you can do it all for free! -
Blindfold Baking Date Night
We did this one recently and couldn’t get over how much fun this simple at-home date is! All you need is a recipe, the ingredients, and a blindfold. We shard more details in our blind baker date night post.
Make a Couple’s Bucketlist
We made a couple’s bucket list for a date night when we were newlyweds. I’m pleased to say we’ve traveled almost everywhere on our list and accomplished most of our goals in less than a decade! We’re due for another bucket list planning date! But I attribute these things happening to the fact we took time to dream and start planning.
If you’re feeling stuck at home, make some dreams for the future. There’s something magical about putting them in writing. And I promise you start finding ways to make these things happen!
Like these date night in ideas? You may like these posts too:
100 Couple Games for Your Next Game Night Date Night In
52 Completely Free Date Ideas to Do This Year
Creating and Inflating the Date Night Budget Tips
Get 365 Date Ideas!

We want to help you have the best date nights ever! Grab this FREE printable with 365 date ideas, a date for every day of the year so you never run out of ideas!
With over 6 weeks of being “in” your tips couldn’t come at a better time!!! Love these!
I am so glad they’ve been helpful!