50 Holiday Date Ideas: Christmas Date Ideas for the Holiday Season!
Who doesn’t love a good Christmas date idea to make the season feel romantic and special, and decided it was time to share our list of 50 Holiday Date Ideas!
We absolutely love Christmas dates, and just can’t seem to get enough time to do all we want each season. There’s always a list of all the Christmas date ideas we can think of, and only so many weekends to fit all the holiday date ideas in! Regardless, it’s always fun to try to fit them all in and make the most of the holiday season while creating memories together.
Even if many of these dates may be tricky to fit in this year, you can easily choose your favorite and reserve the other favorites for next year. But also keep in mind, that so many things work well for romantic Christmas date ideas at home!
With so many fun date ideas, we decided we might as well pass along our list of ideas for others to enjoy this fun holiday season!
50 Christmas Date Ideas to Do This Holiday Season
So here you are friends, here are 50 holiday date ideas to make the holiday season a bit more romantic and memorable.

50 Holiday Date Ideas
- 1. Drive around neighborhoods and look at lights (we love Christmas on Comstock!)
- 2. Hot Chocolate Date
Make a hot chocolate bar, have a hot chocolate sampling date. This sampler set is super affordable and would be perfect for a fun hot chocolate date night! - 3. Have a play in the snow date. Go sledding. Make a snowman/snow angels
- 4. Try a Christmas Date Night box. These are delivered right to your door with your date night ready to go! Many do a holiday-themed date box available in December. And if they don’t, they’re still a magical thing for a date night in with Christmas music and hot chocolate.
- 5. Go Caroling, preferably to a hospital or nursing home (you could do this digitally too!)
- 6. Play Christmas music together. Seriously, just tune up the Christmas music and share your favorites. And if you need some romantic Christmas songs, be sure to check out our playlist!
- 7. See the temple lights or church light setups
- 8. Get hot chocolate at your favorite coffee shop and hit up the mall, temple, or community centers that have free performances the nights leading up to Christmas. This is a great time to watch one digitally!
- 9. Attend a Christmas concert at a local venue. Small town or small budget? Attend the local high school’s Christmas concerts. If there isn’t one this year, look up a past performance and support them digitally.
- 11. Go see The Forgotten Carols. They have a movie version too.
- 12. Go see The Christmas Carol many small theaters are offering limited seating this year.
- 13. Be a ballet fan and go see The Nutcracker. There are so many productions of the nutcracker ballet (or modern takes on it), it’s not hard to find one in most cities or even small towns! You can attend this live or watch a live broadcast or YouTube replay for a free version of this classic Christmas date night.
- 14. Go see any other Christmas play/concert. There are many special productions put on by schools, professional artists, and everything in between. Look for creative local productions and touring opportunities for some really cool dates.
- 15. Zoolights. We love going to see zoo lights with our kids, but it’s a really romantic date that’s great for couples too! These usually start in November and go through January. Look for discount nights to save on this fun Christmas activity!
- 16. Botanical Garden Lights (or any other local attraction where you may live that makes for romantic Christmas date ideas).

At-home holiday dates
- 17. Bake Christmas cookies. How fun would this sugar cookie kit be for a date night? Or up your game with some festive sprinkles sure to make any cookie look good!
- 18. Build graham cracker gingerbread houses together. This makes a great group date night or a fun date for two.
- 19. Have a holiday movie marathon. Watch a series or as many Christmas movies as you can fit in one night; think Home Alone 1 and Home Alone 2). Grab your favorite Christmas movies with a little romance, and cuddle up under a warm blanket. This is a great date to do several nights during the month of December. I mean a Christmas movie marathon and cuddling on the couch is always the perfect date this time of year!
- 20. Wrap presents together.
Why not help each other get more prepared for Christmas Day with some present prep? We love to combine this with a Christmas movie night. It feels like a fun date night that helps us get even more prepared for Christmas celebrations. - 21. Go Christmas shopping together. One of the best ways to get in the holiday spirit is to go choose gifts for others.
- 22. Decorate your home or apartment. Set up a Christmas tree, hang some mistletoe, and get your space ready for the celebration of Christmas!
- 23. Hang lights around the house. There’s something about holiday lights that sets a romantic mood, and decorating your house with Christmas lights is a surprisingly fun and productive date night!
- 24. Drink eggnog/hot chocolate/tea by a fire. Warm up and enjoy the taste of your favorite warm beverage or holiday drink with some mood lighting.
- 25. Share your favorite versions of Christmas songs with each other
- 26. Take holiday photos.
You can use a self-timer and direct your own photoshoot easily! Check out our cute couples Christmas pictures post for some fun ideas! - 27. Go get your picture taken with Santa at the mall. This surprisingly nostalgic activity makes a really fun and often funny date.
- 28. Attend your holiday work party together. If you don’t have one, create your own digital party with your favorite coworkers or friends you wish were coworkers.
- 29. Write a Christmas card newsletter together. Go funny, go practical, just make a date in December where you make a quick Christmas card-worthy update for physical mail or to post on social media together.
- 30. Go get a tree together (real or fake). It’s a fun outing at a Christmas tree farm or even your local Walmart!
- 31. Have an Ice Skating Date Night
Be sure sure to cozy up and hold hands with your sweetheart while you skate around the rink. Many do a special date night skate on Fridays or Saturdays with romantic songs perfect for a cozy holiday date night. - 32. Volunteer
There are so many great ways to serve during the holidays! Offer to organize toys, gifts, or food for local non-profits. Make Christmas decorations for nursing homes. See if any churches need an extra set of hands for special events. - 33. Go to a religious service
You get bonus points if it isn’t your religion and you get to learn something. Christians all over the world are celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ in so many cool ways. Take advantage of their work and productions and make a date of it! Also, so many offer these online, check with your local churches. - 34. Make Christmas shopping easy for others, go around town, and take pictures of some items on your wish list to send to others. Or make a wishlist together with easy links to send!
Romantic Christmas Date Night ideas
- 35. Make stockings together. You can either get crafty and make some, or you can craft some to fill and surprise each other with a few thoughtful little gifts.
- 36. Hit up a bookstore, read your favorite childhood holiday books, A Christmas Carol, etc.
- 37. Take a sleigh ride.
You can usually find these at most farms, city events, or Winter Solstice festivals on a set date of December. It’s the perfect time to enjoy this fun tradition! - 38. Find one of your family’s favorite holiday recipes, and make it together. It’s a great time to hit up mom or grandma for a family favorite recipe. Or, look up recipes from your ancestry to try. Like if your family comes from England, it’s a good chance to try your hand a yule log. You could take it up a notch with our blind baking date night, it’s perfect for baking Christmas date ideas!
- 39. Have a Christmas cookie exchange with other couples/friends.
You can drop these off or have a fun couples party to exchange your favorite cookies. - 40. Make a homemade Christmas gift together. Find someone who would love a handmade item, and spend your time crafting it together.
- 41. Rent a cabin for the weekend- preferably somewhere with snow.
While you have a federal holiday and hopefully some time off work, use it as a great excuse for a getaway! This is always a fun idea to do in January for New Year’s Day if you can’t make it work during December. - 42. Ugly sweater party. These are also fun digitally since a screen will share your ugly sweater of choice. It’s a great way to work in group Christmas date ideas. And if you need some great couples’ ugly sweater ideas, we have you covered!
- 43. Attend church-sponsored parties/activities together.
We have been to fun live nativity events, had fancy feasts, saw Santa Claus, and had casual gatherings all sponsored by a church. Why not use their celebrations as a fun Christmas date night? Most have fun activities the week before Christmas and even on Christmas Eve. - 44. Support an angel tree. Choose a child’s name from a wish list and go shopping to find a toy to make the season for a child. (Toys for Tots is a great source)!
- 45. Discuss your family’s Christmas/holiday breakfast tradition. Make that dish together for a breakfast date. Or try our breakfast cookie recipe that people are raving about!
- 46. Cut out snowflakes together. Go donate the decorations to a shelter, nursing home, or school in need.
- 47. Find local holiday festivals, and attend one together (Festival Lights, Festival of Trees, Christmas picnic in the park, drive-through light shows, etc.)
- 48. Take a holiday cooking class together. Learn how the pros make some of the most popular holiday dishes. There are typically several cookie classes offered, even remote options!
- 49. Have a snowball fight. This simple active date idea is play holiday fun perfect for a little friendly competition and an excuse to grab hot chocolate at your favorite local coffee shops after.
- 50. Take holiday treats to your neighbors. Spend some time baking or buying a few holiday treats. Use them as an excuse to see your neighbors. That could mean meeting them, getting to know them a little better, or just having an excuse to catch up for a few friendly minutes.

We hope this helps inspire a little extra holiday magic for two this season! And may you feel a little more love during the most wonderful time of the year!
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Lots of fun ideas! I forgot about the light up the zoo thing. We need to do that.
Great list! I definitely will be doing some of these.