Christmas Bucket List + FREE Printable!
Get ready for some holiday fun and Christmas activities this holiday season with this FREE Christmas bucket list printable!
There’s something extra special about getting in the holiday spirit with fun holiday activities! I’d argue kids remember them more than toys, couples enjoy a good Christmas date idea more than other gifts, and those forever memories are made with fun Christmas activities!
That’s why we’re here to not only encourage it but to help you have so much fun with a FREE printable Christmas bucket list! It’s a holiday bucket list to help your December find a little more magic and connectivity. This is one Christmas tradition we know you’ll love!

Grab the FREE Christmas Bucket List Printable Right Here!
Find your next Christmas bucket list idea with this FREE printable download!
You can print it standard size on printer paper, or create a fun large-sized engineer print for only a few dollars! Here are detailed instructions on how to create an engineer print perfect to display your Christmas bucket list!
And if you need a list of ideas to plug into your own bucket list, we have you covered with those too!

Christmas Bucket List Ideas
Make Christmas Popcorn
There’s something magical about popping some popcorn and watching a Christmas movie, doing a Christmas puzzle, or having a holiday game night. Try our Christmas popcorn recipe or mix it up with our Christmas Puppy Chow recipe (also known as reindeer food)!
Read Christmas Books
If you need some great Christmas books to check out our list of the Best Christmas Picture Books to get you started!
Make Gingerbread Houses
Grab a gingerbread house kit and get ready for some fun! It’s also easy to DIY your own frosting and have a graham cracker gingerbread house making party with some candy and creativity!
Watch a Holiday Special
Catch some of the top entertainers in music, dance, and other arts in a tv Christmas special. Most streaming platforms host and share at least one each holiday season.
Christmas Movie Night
Did you know most families report their favorite Christmas tradition is watching Christmas movies together? I mean it wouldn’t be Christmas without a round of Elf and It’s a Wonderful Life in my book!
Grab those family Christmas pajamas, put on your Christmas slippers, make some popcorn, and plan a formal Christmas movie night.
Listen to a Christmas Podcast/Audiobook
My kids have absolutely loved listening to Christmas stories and podcasts! Try The Christmasaurous, The Cinnamon Bear, The Christmas Pig, or Christmas Bedtime Stories.
Make Christmas Cookies
Dig up your favorite sugar cookie or gingerbread recipe, and have a Christmas baking party making cookies together. You could even save this for Christmas eve and set out cookies for Santa and a carrot for the reindeer with this fun Christmas bucket list favorite!
Have a Christmas Themed Dinner
It doesn’t have to be complicated to be festive and fun! Find some Christmas shape pasta, green noodles with red sauce, or cut a grilled cheese into a holiday shape with a cookie cutter. Sometimes just pulling out Christmas plates or adding twinkle lights create a whole lot of magic and fun!
Hot Cocoa Night
Who isn’t a fan of a hot cocoa bar, a hot chocolate date night, or a stop at your favorite gas station to get some delicious hot chocolate?
Have Christmas Breakfast for Dinner
Why save the breakfast casseroles, muffins, and holiday pancakes shaped liked a snowman for Christmas morning only? Have a fun breakfast for dinner night with a holiday twist.
Create a Holiday Snack Board
Charcuterie boards have been all the rage for years, and with good reason. They are so fun and such an easy way to please a crowd!
Pizza Night: Tree-shaped or Santa Face Pizza
Don’t let homemade pizza intimidate you! Try our foolproof easy quick homemade pizza dough recipe that comes together in no time! There’s something extra fun about turning pizza into something festive and fun. Try a tree-shaped pizza, or grab the pepperoni and create your own Santa face.
Decorate the Christmas Tree
Grab the tinsel and ornaments and enjoy setting up your tree together. Many families love to make or buy a special Christmas ornament each year, which is an extra fun touch for the Christmas tree!
Decorate Your Front Door
Get a little festive and give your front door a Christmas makeover! This can be as simple as a wreath, homemade snowflakes, or a homemade garland. I love when people use wrapping paper and a bow for door decorations. Get creative and have some fun!
Wear Red and Green
This may sound overly simple, but treat a day like a school spirit day and go all out wearing red and green. You’ll be surprised how much this simple item adds some instant holiday spirit and fun!
Wear Ugly Holiday Sweaters
There’s something about ugly Christmas sweaters that makes everyone smile! If you need some fun ideas, check out our Kid’s Ugly Christmas Sweaters guide.
Make Or Listen To a Christmas Playlist
There’s something about Christmas music that makes the season bright! Find a great playlist (can we recommend our Christmas Love songs playlist), make a great playlist, or if you’re musical, perform some Christmas music together.
One of the best experiences is the gift of giving back during the holidays! Call your local food bank, visit nursing home residents, or adopt a family in need and gift some secret Santa gifts.
Holiday Music Sing Along/Caroling
You don’t have to be musical to enjoy some Christmas carols! After all, the best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear!
If you need a little help, check out Disney+ for some fun holiday sing-a-long programs you can watch and enjoy.
Christmas Pajama Party
There’s something so fun about wearing Christmas pajamas that you can basically call that a party. But a few snacks, a holiday movie, or breakfast for dinner in pajamas create such a fun time!
Related: Matching Family Christmas Pajamas Roundup
Holiday Dance Party
Crank your favorite Christmas music with a beat and have a simple impromptu holiday dance party for an instant mood boost!

Christmas Game Night
Grab our Christmas Pictionary free printable and enjoy a Christmas game night!
Decorate the House
Put up the decorations, or spend some time making a few and hanging them up. Even a few twinkle lights go a very long way!
Learn About Cultural Holiday Celebrations
There are so many wonderful holiday celebrations throughout the world, and it’s really fun to learn about traditions and cultures. Take time to study a few together.
Play “Pin the Nose on Rudolph”
Give pin the tail on the donkey a holiday twist and play pin the nose on Rudolph.
Do a Christmas Puzzle
It’s relaxing, it’s festive, and we have a ton of fun Christmas puzzles if you need help finding a great one!
Christmas Light Scavenger Hunt
Grab our Free Christmas Lights Scavenger Hunt Printable and enjoy this free holiday lights scavenger activity that’s fun for all ages! We love it for a Christmas date idea, and also for a Christmas activity for families!
Drive Through Christmas Lights
These are a fun way to see an amazing light display! You typically pay per vehicle, so load it up with some friends or family and enjoy the show!
Related: World of Illuminations Drive Through Light Show
Visit a Holiday Festival/Light Show
Chances are your local city or town hosts some holiday festival. Many choirs do festive feasts for fundraisers. Also, we’ve found so many farms and farmer’s markets do lights and bonfire pits to roast marshmallows. It’s always a fun Christmas outing!
And of course, there are always the people who love holiday light shows and put them on for free!
Get a Holiday Treat From a Local Shop
We love a good trip to the bakery to find a treat to try. So many do holiday-themed baked goods, fancy cookies, and special flavored hot chocolate and drinks. It’s a fun date night, it’s also a great activity to do with kids!
Deliver Treats or Gifts to Neighbors
Find your favorite cookie recipe and deliver a bunch of extras to neighbors and friends.
Go Ice Skating
There are tons of pop up ice skating rinks around the holidays. We love a good ice skating date night during the holidays!
Visit Santa
It’s always fun to take a trip to see Santa at the mall. Go get the picture, make it an outing, and have some fun!
Do a Random Act of Kindness
For every heart that’s light, there’s at least one other that is feeling heavy. It’s a great time to spread some holiday cheer with a RAOK. If you need some ideas, check out our random acts of kindness list!
Go Christmas Shopping
There’s something extra special about choosing a gift for someone you love! We love to go take our little kids to look for the perfect item for each other. They enjoy examining things on each shelf and feeling like they had a lot of say in gift-giving. It’s a great way to teach them the joy of giving!
Buy an Angel Tree Gift
If you’re privileged enough to have a little excess to spare, head to an angel tree and find a kid’s wishlist. It’s a really special experience to get to help create a magical Christmas for a child who wouldn’t experience it otherwise.
Do a Christmas Craft
The joy of a Christmas craft is it can be the most simple thing for a child, or something elaborate and special for an adult. And there’s a whole lot of in-between! If you’re looking for Christmas crafts for kids, check out some of our free printable activities:
Santa Beard Christmas Countdown Printable
Christmas Dot Painting: Q-tip Tree Painting FREE Printable
Make Paper Snowflakes
Find some tutorials online and cut out some snowflake patterns.
Count Down With an Advent Calendar
Whether it’s spending a little cash on a Lego Advent Calendar, grabbing a chocolate countdown, or using our Free Santa Beard Christmas Countdown,
Send Out Christmas Cards
Write a kind note, stuff a card, and send them off or hand deliver them to family and friends.
I Spy Christmas Activity Printable
Grab our FREE I SPY Christmas Printable! It’s a fun free way to do a Christmas activity kids and adults alike enjoy!
Color an Oversized Christmas Coloring Mat
What’s even better than a free Christmas coloring page? An oversized one! Grab our Christmas coloring page download, and you can print it in four standard paper squares at home- or print an engineer print for only a few dollars to create a giant coloring page full of Christmas fun!
Cotton Ball Santa Beard Craft
Grab our free Cotton Ball Santa Beard Christmas countdown to help you count down to Christmas Eve, or just do a simple holiday craft!
Wrap Christmas Gifts
This is where art and being resourceful work perfectly! Wrap some presents and have fun decorating the gifts.
Make an Ornament for the Tree
Little kids love an easy Christmas craft, but you may find teenagers and adults enjoy this project too! You can buy kits, go to a ceramic paint studio, or just bust out the paper and glitter and have a great time!
Love these Christmas Bucket List Ideas? Be sure to check out these posts too:
50 Holiday Date Ideas: Christmas Date Ideas for the Holiday Season!
Christmas Box: How to Make a December Box + Tons of Christmas Box Ideas
50 Christmas Activities for Families with FREE Printable
Get 365 Date Ideas!

We want to help you have the best date nights ever! Grab this FREE printable with 365 date ideas, a date for every day of the year so you never run out of ideas!